Markentreue Literaturverzeichnis Bücher

* Allport, G. W.
in Fishbein, M., Readings in Attitude Theory and Measurement
New York, 1967

* Atkinson, J. W.
Einführung in die Motivationsforschung
Stuttgart, 1975

* Atkinson, J. W.; Feather, N. T.
A Theory of Achievment Motivation
New York, 1966

* Backhaus, K.; Erichson, B.; Plinke, W.; Weiber, R.
Multivariate Analysemethoden
Berlin, 1994
6. Auflage

* Bauer, R.A.
Consumer Behavior as Risk Taking (1960)
in: Cox, D.F. Risk Taking and Information Handling in Consumer Behavior
Boston, 1967

* Bauer, R.A.
Konsumentenentscheidung als Risikoverhalten
in: Specht, K.G. & Wiswede G. : Marketing-Soziologie
Berlin, 1976

* Berlyne, D. E.
Conflict, Arousal and Curiosity
New York, 1960

* Berlyne, D. E.
Motivational Problems Raised by Exploratory and Epistemic Behavior
in: Koch, S. Psychology
New York, 1963

* Bettmann, J.R.
An Information Prozessing Theory of Consumer Choice
Massachusetts, 1979

* Bleiker, U.
Produktbeurteilung der Konsumenten
Würzburg, 1983

* Bortz, J.
Berlin, 1993
4. Aufl.

* Braden, M.; Walster, E.
The Effect of Anticipated Dissonance on Pre-Decision Behavior
in: Festinger, L., Conflict, Decision, and Dissonance, S. 145-151
Stanford, 1964

* Brengelmann, J. C.; von Quast, C.
Spielen, Risikolust und Kontrolle
Frankfurt/M, 1987

* Brehm, J. W.; Cohen, A. R.
Explorations in Cognitive Dissonance
New York, 1965

* Bruner, J. S.
Toward a Theory of Instruction
Cambridge, 1966

* Buck, R.
Human Motivation and Emotion
New York, 1988

* Cox, F. D.
Synthesis – Risk Taking and Information Handling
in: Cox, D.F. Risk Taking and Information Handling in Consumer Behavior
Boston, 1967

* Cunningham, S.M.
Perceived Risk and Brand Loyalty
in: Cox, D.F. Risk Taking and Information Handling in Consumer Behavior
Boston, 1967a

* Cunningham, S.M.
The Major Dimensions of Perceived Risk
in: Cox, D.F. Risk Taking and Information Handling in Consumer Behavior
Boston, 1967b

* Dieterich, M.
Konsument und Gewohnheit
Heidelberg, 1986

* Driver, M. J.; Streufert, S.
The general incongruity adaptation level (GIAL) Hypothesis: An Analysis and Integration of Cognitive Approaches to Motivation; Paper No. 114, Institute for Research in the Behavioral, Economic and Management Science, Krannert Graduate School of Management
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, 1965

* Festinger, L.
Theorie der kognitiven Dissonanz
Bern 1957

* Fiske, D. W.; Maddi, S. R.
Functions of Varied Experience
Homewood (IL), 1961

* Fisz, M.
Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Mathematische Statistik
Berlin, 1965

* Gruber, Josef
Regressionsanalyse I
Kurseinheit 1 der Fernuniversität Hagen
Hagen, 1982

* Hansen, F.
Consumer Choice Behavior
New York, 1972

* Hartung, Joachim
München, 1982

* Herkner, W.
Bern, 1993

* Howard, J.A.
Consumer Behavior: Application of Theory
New York, 1977

* Howard, J.A.; Sheth, J. N.
The Theory of Buyer Behavior
New York, 1969

* Hoyos, C. G.
Gefahrenkognition und Risikoverhalten
in: Hoyos, C. G.; Wirtsschaftspsychologie in Grundbegriffen
München, 1990

* Hull, C. L.
Principles of Behavior
New York, 1943

* Hunt, J. McV.
Motivation Inherent in Information Processing and Action
in: Harvey, O. J., Motivation and social interaction: cognitive Determinants, S. 35-94
New York, 1963

* Irle, M.
Entstehung und Änderungen von sozialen Einstellungen (Attitüden), S. 194-221
in: Bericht über den 25. Kongreß der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (München 1966), Hrsg. Merz, G.
Göttingen, 1967

* Irle, M.
Lehrbuch der Sozialpsychologie
Göttingen, 1975

* Izard, C. E.
Die Emotionen des Menschen: eine Einführung in die Grundlagen der Emotionspsychologie
Weinheim, 1981

* Jacoby, J.; Chestnut, R. W.
Brand Loyality: Measurement and Management
New York, 1978

* Jacoby, J.; Kaplan, L.
The Components of Perceived RIsk
in: Venkatesan M. (Ed.) Proceedings, third Annual Conference, Association for Consumer Research,
University of Chicago, 1972

* Katona, G.
Über das rationale Verhalten von Verbraucher
in: Kroeber-Riel, W., Marketingtheorie, S. 61-77
Köln, 1972

* Kemper, T. D.
An Introduction to the Sociology of Emotions

* Kockläuner, Gerhard
Angewandte Regressionsanalyse mit SPSS
Braunschweig, 1988

* Kotler, Ph.
Marketing Management
7. Auflage
Stuttgart 1992

* Kroeber-Riel, W.
München, 1992

* Lipstein, B.
the Dynamics of Brand Loyality and Brand Switching
Proceedings, Fifth annual Conference
New York: Advertising Research Found. 1959

* Maddi, S. R.
The Pursuit of Consisitency and Variety
in: Abelson, R. P. et al.: Theories of Cognitive Consistency: A Sourcebook
Chicago, 1968

* Massy, W. F.; Montgomery, D. B.; Morrison, D. G.,
Stochastic Models of Buying Behavior
Cambridge, 1970

* Mummendey, H. D.
Die Fragebogen-Methode
Göttingen, 1987

* Nolte, H.
Die Markentreue im Konsumgüterbereich
Bochum, 1976

* Petty, R. E.; Cacioppo
in: Berkowitz L. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, Bd. 19 Academic Press,
Orlando, 1986

* Plutchik, R.
Emotion. A Psychoevolutionary Synthesis
New York, 1980

* Raju, P. S.
Theories of Exploratory Behavior: Review and Consumer Research Implications
in: Sheth, J. N., Research in Marketing, Vol. 4
Greenich, 1981

* Ritchie, B. F.
Theories of Learning: A Consumer Report, zitiert nach Wolman, B. B., 1973, Handbook of Genaral Psychology, S. 451-460
Prentice Hall, 1973

* Rosenstiel von, L.; Ewald, G.
Marktspychologie, Band 1: Konsumentenverhalten und Kaufentscheidung
Stuttgart 1979

* Schachter, S.
The Interaction of Cognitive and Physiological Determinants of Emotional State
in: Berkowitz, L. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology Bd1
New York, 1964

* Schnell, R.;Hill, P.B.; Esser, E.
Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung
München, 1993

* Skinner, B. F.
The Behavior of Organisms
New York, 1938

* Streufert, S.; Driver, M. J.
The General Incongruity Adaptation Level
in: Technical Report # 32
Homewood,Ill, 1971

* Streufert, S.; Streufert, S. C.
Behavior in the Complex Environment
Washington D. C., 1978

* Thibaut, J. W.; Kelley, H. H.
The Social Psychology of Groups
New York 1959

* Weinberg, P.
Markentreue und Markenwechsel
in: Hoyos, C. G.; Wirtsschaftspsychologie in Grundbegriffen
München, 1990

* Wierenga, B.
An Investigation of Brand Choice Processes
Rotterdam, 1974

* Wiswede, G.
Einführung in die Wirtschaftspsychologie
München, 1991